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About Bedwetting


Dry nights is not a given certainty for children and adults in all families. Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is considered to be a condition for children who wet their bed after age of 5-6. Before that, it is natural to wet in the bed.

If the bedwetting concerns children in school-age, this may also affect the child's social life, whereas spending the night at a friend’s house or other events may seem troubling. There are also those who suffer from daytime incontinence.

Bedwetting is a more common condition than many people are aware of. Approximately every ten school-aged child suffer from bedwetting.

We are here to help families who have problems with bedwetting to be able to find the right aid and treatment for the enuresis. Sängvätningsbutiken provides an overview of a selection of alarms and device that is available on the market today.


A common misunderstanding is that a child’s bedwetting is caused by psychological problems, social, family relationships or incidences. Research suggests that there are physical reasons behind bedwetting rather than psychological. A child can, however, get social and psychological problems from the enuresis.

If it concerns so-called secondary incontinence, when a previously dry child suddenly starts wetting again, there could be a psychological reason behind, such as after a traumatic incidence or stress of some kind. It may be related to a divorce, starting school, change of the parents working routines or that the child gets a sibling. But often the child becomes dry again as suddenly.

There is no specific answer to what the physical causes are. The reason is often not because something is physically wrong, such as malformations of the nervous system or injury after an accident or urinary tract infection or diabetes, but rather delayed development of the bladder’s emptying of urine. The reflex that empties the bladder is uncontrolled in infants and later develops to be controlled by will. If the ability to withhold urine or respond to a full bladder, is not fully developed, a "mislearnt" bladder have to learn a new behaviour. Many parents also feel that bedwetting children sleep very deeply, as children often do in their home where they feel safe and relaxed.

Absence or delayed development of the reflexes that control the emptying of the bladder and sleep depth are two theories for what are considered common causes of bedwetting. We have also seen that children who wet their bed produced a larger amount of urine at night. Other causes include nervous system, kidneys, allergies, infection, accidents, drug effects. It is common that enuresis is inherited in the family.